Sunday, 8 February 2015

Here goes nothing...

Hi internet,
I've always been quite reserved around people I don't know and there are more than 2 billion people online. 2 billion people I don't know reading this (well realistically it'll probably just be me reading it, maybe my mum, might show my dog.) So starting a blog seems like a grand idea doesn't it. (note the sarcasm)
   The internet has always been a strange thing for me, I'm slightly obsessed with it- just like the rest of our teen culture- but so aware of how easily things can go wrong on it. You don't know who you're talking to. Which is a scary thought, but also appeals to so many of us. You can be who you are, without the fear of being judged (by people you see daily anyway). You can find friends, love, fame, fortune all on this one place. It's amazing. But you can also find paedophiles, shame and debt.
  You're probably wondering who I even am, I'm Hollie, 18 and in college. Exciting stuff. No, more like shitting-myself-for-the-future-because-I-don't-know-what-I-want-to-do stuff. Oh and also, I failed most of my AS levels last year so this year is kind of a big deal for the rest of my life. Nothing too serious... But anyway I'm just trying to get through it with decent grades, enough to get me a job. And if you've read my about me and hate me for not liking bacon, I know its weird. I am aware.
  So what is my blog going to be about? Anything and everything. Bit of this, bit of that. Nothing too set in stone. And thats the problem I had creating my blog name. I wanted something general so I could talk about anything without my blog being confined. And here marks the beginning 8/2/15.

Twitter- @sincerelyhblog
(Not the name I wanted but it's 2015 and everything else was taken)

  Sincerely, Hollie x

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